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Home / FAQ / Glympse PRO / Technicians / Drivers Tab / How can I edit a technician or driver’s information in Glympse PRO?

How can I edit a technician or driver’s information in Glympse PRO?

  1. Login into Glympse PRO
  2. In the navigation menu, click on “Technicians”
  3. Next, navigate to the “Action” button next to one of your technicians
  4. From the drop-down menu, select “Edit”
  5. Edit any section of the select technician needed
  6. Click “Save Technician” to save edits

Admins have access to edit information such as technician/driver’s name, phone number, email, and roles.


Usernames cannot be changed. When an email is changed, users must still use their original email address to log in. However, they will receive all notifications on their new email address.

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