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Home / FAQ / Glympse PRO / Customization Tab / How can I set up the real-time Feedback feature in Glympse PRO?

How can I set up the real-time Feedback feature in Glympse PRO?

  1. Login into Glympse PRO
  2. In the navigation menu, click on “Customize”
  3. Next, navigate to the feedback widget box
  4. Here, you can allow customers to leave ratings/comments after completion
  5. Click “Save” once satisfied
  6. Click preview to see what your customer sees at the end of the delivery/service process

Feedback within Glympse PRO is on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being poor and 5 being excellent. Customers can also leave comments. We highly recommend keeping this feature on and to encourage your customers to leave honest feedback to help improve your overall business. Our philosophy at Glympse is to accept constructive feedback that will aid future customers.

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